3 mile-an-hour God: the speed of Love
Shalom, all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Do you realize that our life can be summarized in one word: faster.
Anything we do, we do that faster and faster. Read fast. Eat fast. Speak fast. Walk fast. Drive fast. Pray fast. And so on.
Sometimes we forget that God want to walk with us at 3 mile an hour speed. As a Christian blogger wrote recently:(1)
John 9:1 says, "As he passed by, Jesus saw a man blind from birth." What if he was driving, running, or in a hurry? Instead, Jesus moved with a pace at which he could "see." He saw the man. He saw his need and he had compassion.
A Japanese theologian named Kosuke Koyama wrote a book called Three Mile an Hour God. In it he wrote:
"Love has its speed. It is a different kind of speed from the technological speed to which we are accustomed. It goes on in the depth of life at 3 miles per hour. It is the speed we walk and therefore the speed the love of God walks."
Jesus walks at the speed of love. He's our 3 mile-an-hour Savior. And he sees you. He sees your secrets and baggage, your pain and fear. He sees death and dung, and still chooses to walk among us. To forgive, to heal, to help.
Would you adjust your pace? Would you slow down so that you can "see"? See God's work in the world. See how you might join in on what He's doing. See the people around you. Know their needs. How can we be unhurried, undistracted, and attentive to the world around us?
Go for a walk.
Sit on your front step in the evening.
Redefine how you use electronic devices.
Remove a few unnecessary items from your crowded calendar.
Set aside a few quiet moments every day to read God's word. To commune with him in prayer.
"As he passed by . . ." Jesus sees you. He's your 3 mile-an-hour Savior.
Here is a story of a man who chooses to walk for Jesus, and people whom he met along his walk:
William C.Heller Jr.6/21/2018 05:32:24 pm
This is my brief true story of a time in my life when I took a walk for Jesus.This journey began at highway 55 and Butler Hill road. I began walking up the ramp and praying to God this prayer. God you know I cannot walk to where ever you wish me to go. Would you please send me a ride and the person you desire me to talk to. Half way up the ramp a young man of college age stopped and offered me a ride.He then began to tell me all about his life and the church he attended which is the First Baptist church Of Festus.
The next thing he told me is how he was worried about his final exams in college. I told him how I once had to take my exams for my GED and asked God to help me take the test and that help came in the sense of calmness.The next thing I said to this young man was, You go to church, Have you asked God for any help in your life? He looked at me as if he new what to do next. By this time he was pulling off the side of the road right in front of the First Baptist Church which sits on the side of the highway.As I got out of his car he thanked me for my help.there was now a calm about him as well.
I sat on the guard rail for no more than fifteen minutes and began to walk as I prayed once more the same prayer as before. Right away I heard air brakes on a truck behind me and looked back as this man was only a few feet away and motioned for me to get into his truck. I am John Murdock a dairy driver from Madison, Wisconsin. I said my name is William Heller and I am walking for Jesus.He then told me about a young lady he had met on the road the week before doing the same thing.John would ask me about all things he had questions about the Bible. As he made his deliveries for the day and the day ended he invited me to stay with him and he bought me dinner and breakfast. I spent three days with John and he left me off on Highway 75 leading down to Atlanta. His last words were, I going to go home and read my Bible this weekend. This is only a small part of my walk for Jesus.If you like to hear more let your fingers do the walking and write me.
My prayer in this sunday morning (22/7/2018, pk. 7:23)
Jesus, forgive me for trying to do things faster and faster
Meanwhile, teach me to learn how to walk and love at a lower speed
Teach me to meet and greet people that I see along the walk
Thank you for Your forgiveness
Versi 1.0: 22 july 2018, pk. 7:24
Victor Christianto
The Second Coming Institute, www.sci4God.com
Books and papers: http://independent.academia.edu/VChristianto
(1) http://www.sixthgen.com/the-blog/three-mile-an-hour-god
Victor Christianto
*Founder and Technical Director, www.ketindo.com
E-learning and consulting services in renewable energy
**Founder of Second Coming Institute, www.sci4God.com
Twitter: @Christianto2013, Line: @ThirdElijah, IG: @ThirdElijah
***books: http://nulisbuku.com/books/view_book/9035/sangkakala-sudah-ditiup
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